
The City  of Arkansas City has determined that there is a housing shortage locally.  The City will be working with homeowners and developers on ways to help reduce the shortage.  The City utilizes a Neighborhood Revitalization Plan to provide tax rebates on improvements to properties.  The Rural Housing Incentive District is another tool the City has at its disposal to assist developers in creating additional housing opportunities.  The Moderate Income Housing grant is another program the City has utilized to provide funding for infrastructure for new development.  This program could also be utilized to assist new homebuyers with downpayment assistance.  The City was also recently awarded a CDBG Housing Grant for a target area.  See additional information below.  For more information on any of these programs, please contact Josh White in the Neighborhood Services Office at 620-441-4427.

City of Arkansas City 2022 Community Development Block Grant

Housing Rehabilitation Plan

The United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) allocates funds used by the Kansas Department of Commerce for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Housing Rehabilitation program. The City of Arkansas City has been awarded a CDBG grant from Commerce for the purpose of housing rehabilitation within the target area. The maximum amount of CDBG federal grant funds to be spent on rehabilitation is $25,000 per unit. Private match is encouraged to fill the gap in financing if a rehabilitation will exceed this threshold. This program is designed to provide housing rehabilitation for low- to-moderate income individuals who own (or rent) a housing unit within the target area.

Applicants will be screened and rated in accordance with eligibility criteria as set out in this Housing Rehabilitation Plan.

The 2022 target area is defined as: an area bounded by North 15th Street to the West, North 10th Street to the East, West Kansas Avenue to the South, and West Colorado Avenue to the North.

Eligibility Requirements Apply, see the appropriate application below or full Housing Plan for details.

2023 LMI Income Guidelines for Cowley County
1 person 2 persons 3 persons 4 persons 5 persons 6 persons 7 persons 8 persons
$43,200 $49,350 $55,500 $61,650 $66,600 $71,550 $76,550 $81,400